نبع العشق
The 99 names of God and there Meanings Id5qqhzzvz79
نبع العشق
The 99 names of God and there Meanings Id5qqhzzvz79
نبع العشق
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

العاب - برامج - افلام - اغاني - حصريات
الرئيسيةالبوابةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 The 99 names of God and there Meanings

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مشرف عام
مشرف عام

ذكر الابراج : الثور

عدد المساهمات : 411
نقاط : 1129
تاريخ التسجيل : 09/05/2009
العمر : 28
الموقع : بيت صفافا

The 99 names of God and there Meanings Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: The 99 names of God and there Meanings   The 99 names of God and there Meanings Empty2009-06-23, 15:48

Peace be upon you

The 99 names of God and there Meanings


AL-QUDDUS - The Holy

AL-MALIK - The Sovereign Lord

AR-RAHIM - The Mercifull

AR-RAHMAN - The Beneficent

ALLAH - The Name Of God

AL-JABBAR - The Compeller

AL-AZIZ - The Mighty

AL-MUHAYMIN - The Protector

AL-MU'MIN - The Guardian Of Faith

AS-SALAM - The Source Of Peace

AL-GHAFFAR - The Forgiver

AL-MUSAWWIR - The Fashioner

AL-BARI - The Evolver

AL-KHALIQ - The Creator

AL-MUTAKABBIR - The Majestic

AL-ALIM - The All Knowning

AL-FATTAH - The Opner

AR-RAZZAQ - The Provider

AL-WAHHAB - The Bestover

AL-QAHHAR - The Subduer

AL-MUIZZ - The Honourer

AR-RAFI - The Exalter

AL-KHAFIZ - The Abaser

AL-BASIT - The Expender

AL-QABIZ - The Constrictor

AL-ADL - The Just

AL-HAKAM - The Judge

AL-BASIR - The All Seeing

AS-SAMI - The All Hearing

AL-MUZILL -The Dishonourer

AL-GHAFUR - The All-Forgiving

AL-AZIM - The Great One

AL-HALIM - The Forbearing One

AL-KHABIR - The Aware

AL-LATIF - The Subtle One

AL-MUQIT - The Maintainer

AL-HAFIZ - The Preserver

AL-KABIR - The Most Great

AL-ALI - The Most High

ASH-SHAKUR - The Appreciative

AL-MUJIB - The Responsive

AR-RAQIB - The Watchfull

AL-KARIM - The Generous One

AL-JALIL - The Sublime One

AL-HASEEB - The Reckoner

AL-BA'ITH - The Resurrector

AL-MAJEED - The Most Glorious One

AL-WADUD - The Loving

AL-HAKEEM - The Wise

AL-WASI - The All-Embracing

AL-MATEEN - The Firm One

AL-QAWI - The Most Strong

AL-WAKIL - The Trustee

AL-HAQQ - The Truth

ASH-SHAHEED - The Witness

AL-MU'ID - The Restorer

AL-MUBDI - The Originator

AL-MUHSI - The Reckoner

AL-HAMEED - The Praiseworthy

AL-WALI - The Protecting Friend

AL-WAJID - The Finder

AL-QAYYUM - The Self-subsisting

AL-HAYEE - The Alive

AL-MUMIT - The Creator Of Death

AL-MUHYI - The Giver Of Life

AL-QADIR - The Able

AS-SAMAD - The Eternal

AL-AHAD - The One

AL-WAHID - The Unique

AL-MAJID - The Noble

AL-AAKHIR - The Last

AL-AWWAL - The First

AL-MU'AKHKHIR - The Delayer

AL-MUQADDIM - The Expediter

AL-MUQTADIR - The Powerful

AL-BARR - The Source Of All Goodness

AL-MUTA'ALI - The Most Exalted

AL-WALI - The Governor

AL-BATIN - The Hiddeen

AZ-ZAHIR - The Manifest

MALIK-UL-MULK - The Eternal Owner Of Sovereignty

AR-RAOOF - The Compassionate

AL-'AFUW - The Pardoner

AL-MUNTAQIM - The Avenger

AT-TAWWAB - The Acceptor Of Repentance

AL-MUGHNI - The Enricher

AL-GHANI - The Self-Sufficient

AL-JAAMAY - The Gatherer

AL-MUQSIT - The Equitable

ZUL-JALAL-E-WAL-IKRAM - The Lord Of Majesty and Bounty

AL-HAADI - The Guide

AN-NOOR - The Light

AN-NAAFAY - The Propitious

AD-DAARR - The Distresser

AL-MAANAY - The Preventer

AS-SABOOR - The Patient

AR-RASHEED - The Guide To The Right Path

AL-WARIS - The Supreme Inheritor

AL-BAQI - The Everlasting

AL-BADEI -The Incomparable

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The 99 names of God and there Meanings
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