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Anger and wrath Id5qqhzzvz79
نبع العشق
Anger and wrath Id5qqhzzvz79
نبع العشق
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

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 Anger and wrath

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مشرف عام
مشرف عام

ذكر الابراج : الثور

عدد المساهمات : 411
نقاط : 1129
تاريخ التسجيل : 09/05/2009
العمر : 28
الموقع : بيت صفافا

Anger and wrath Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Anger and wrath   Anger and wrath Empty2009-06-23, 15:49

Have you ever been betrayed by your tongue and said what's inside yourself? Of course we all have been there in some situation… with our bodies shivering, filled with anger or wrath. People think that it's just a feeling which comes and goes according to one's hatred or nervousness, trashing or avoiding the naked truth.


All of the feelings or psychological situations that precede anger are a long and bumpy road. We all are like a car driving down this road, our mentality is the driver. The more nervous one is, the faster he goes down it. We go down easier and easier depending on how much hatred is in us. It always depends on us whether to go the whole distance or to stop at some point. Sometimes we can't help but to give more power to the engine.


On the other hand we all will or had already experienced this time after time, but we avoid thinking about it or let our thoughts in a prison well locked.

To reach the very end of this road had always been a tough challenge conquered many brave men's mind and took over every part of their bodies even though for a little while. No one can resist going down this road, you have to at least in a certain point in your life. What anger is all about lies at this far end, once you have reached it, it motivates you to do lots of things that you have never thought you are capable of doing. It's the sweet adrenaline which covers your mind with a rose blanket, yes! You want to empty all the frustration and disappointment in the concerned situation, although they may have nothing in comment with the situation.


Failures, insults, broken feelings, or even our daily frustration, all of them are a hidden tattoos in the dark depth of one's heart. Regardless of the reason which led you to the end of this road, when you reach it, it's a completely separated zone where all of the locked down feelings reach the surface with their ugly form. They can start as twitching of your eye and end as your fists squeezing and your teeth clutched screaming for an action.


Your mind undresses logic, reasons, or right or wrong. This, my friend, is the place where your mind shuts up and the locked down feelings speak. Sometimes we have the choice of telling them no, sometimes we don't.


All of that is just a small space in front of a majestic gate. Or shall I say, all of that is just a peak inside an enormous space. Once you decided to open this gate or to dive in this space there's no turning back. This is where your mind and feelings step aside. It takes a degree of control to stay just angry, but to reach the stage of wrath has been always our call no matter how much we deny it just to ease the guilt. Wrath takes away everything but the centre of the reason which got us to the end of the road.


Wrath is pure, it has no hatred, no logic, no excuses but our weak or weakened selves. It's not connected to any reason, person, situation or cause. Wrath is the drifting river which drowns anything in its way. It shows a hidden summit of our character. Wrath is the stage where mind stops completely from making decisions and starts reacting with no previous warnings.

A few people tasted wrath. It's like the wild rain, maybe good or bad. Wrath is a color that paints our mind. It is the mind tired from thinking, analyzing, and waiting. It is only a gate and the keys are always ours.
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Anger and wrath
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